Irlandzki jezyk jest bardzo ladny. Szorstki i twardy, ale bardzo ladny. It is a pity, ze jest zepchniety na margines. I wcale nie bierze sie to z tego, ze rzad i ministerstwa nie dbaja o edukacje. Dzieje sie tak dlatego, ze sami read more…
Irlandzki jezyk jest bardzo ladny. Szorstki i twardy, ale bardzo ladny. It is a pity, ze jest zepchniety na margines. I wcale nie bierze sie to z tego, ze rzad i ministerstwa nie dbaja o edukacje. Dzieje sie tak dlatego, ze sami read more…
War on litter continues. Since the municipality got rid of the problem of waste disposal, the ordinary, recycling of organic and offers began to be attributed to different companies, that deal with export and disposal of garbage. Wczoraj przedstawiciel jednej z firm zadzwonił do drzwi i zaoferował niższe read more…
And all began. Today, the news reached, with one of the buses was a bomb planted. The bus Maynooth- Dublin had the explosives in the trunk. In addition to the dummy bombs were found in the north of Dublin. You can have been expected. Real IRA still read more…
The term medical tourism becomes more popular as time. My own practice it for a long time. You have to admit, this is a nice pocket even, if you have to pay for a plane ticket (that I'm not so sure already read more…
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