Today 70 000 AIB bank customers (in that we) were welcomed news, that the interest rates on their mortgage loans in November will be increased by a further 0,5%. This is the second such rise in interest rates over the past 3 months for customers read more…

Death of Education announced on Thursday, marching through the town Irish students. Szli ulicami centrum tworząc symboliczny kondukt pogrzebowy idący za trumną symbolizującą śmierć edukacji na poziomie akademickim. Marsz został zorganizowany przez Irlandzki Związek Studentów (USES), as part of a broader campaign, against as provided for in read more…

Soon run out of good times, when the water brought to a house did not have to pay. Of course there were places, where your water (usually in rural areas, where there was no connection to the sewer) trzeba było płacić ponieważ była to ‘prywatna’ water read more…