From now on we will also write posts in English for our English-speaking readers. Posts, that are already on the page will also explain the succession. Because it is a lot of them, process will be arduous, but do not give up. You also please be patient. read more…

Irish language despite appearances is not popular in Ireland. Few Irish people can talk in this language. They prefer English, rather, its, Irish variation thereof. However, we encourage you to learn even basic phrases in Irish. Their pronunciation is sometimes surprising. Listen as read more…

I've always wondered why people from other countries like French niebardzo. It is said, that the typical Frenchman does not know English, and considers, that everyone should speak French, when they come to their country. Our feelings are different. W miejscu gdzie mieszkamy read more…



After Wikipedia:   “Ponglish (also: "Ponglisz", „poglish”, "Poglisz", sometimes "Polamer" etc.) - The name of the Polish-English slang, spoken by Poles living and working in the British Isles (United Kingdom and Ireland) or in other English speaking countries. Slang is based on language read more…

Irlandzki jezyk jest bardzo ladny. Szorstki i twardy, ale bardzo ladny. It is a pity, ze jest zepchniety na margines. I wcale nie bierze sie to z tego, ze rzad i ministerstwa nie dbaja o edukacje. Dzieje sie tak dlatego, ze sami read more…