I must admit, Irish anthem that is catchy and it is very interesting. You must also admit, gelatinized by that, that is sung in Irish causes problems while singing. Even when you look at singing or rugby players you think, most read more…
I must admit, Irish anthem that is catchy and it is very interesting. You must also admit, gelatinized by that, that is sung in Irish causes problems while singing. Even when you look at singing or rugby players you think, most read more…
Irish language despite appearances is not popular in Ireland. Few Irish people can talk in this language. They prefer English, rather, its, Irish variation thereof. However, we encourage you to learn even basic phrases in Irish. Their pronunciation is sometimes surprising. Listen as read more…
Irish professionals such as plumbers, tilers, murarze ITD., have a shameful reputation among foreigners. They are perceived as lazy, not the best performing tasks assigned to them but that gets a high fee for services rendered, as in sketch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 606KL5wgWdk. Is this really the case, or read more…
Irlandzki jezyk jest bardzo ladny. Szorstki i twardy, ale bardzo ladny. It is a pity, ze jest zepchniety na margines. I wcale nie bierze sie to z tego, ze rzad i ministerstwa nie dbaja o edukacje. Dzieje sie tak dlatego, ze sami read more…
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