Yesterday, a new web page about Dublin – http://dublintown.ie . This is not a typical tourist website, you do not find information on where is the nearest tourist information, but they will learn how and where to place “events”, learn read more…
Yesterday, a new web page about Dublin – http://dublintown.ie . This is not a typical tourist website, you do not find information on where is the nearest tourist information, but they will learn how and where to place “events”, learn read more…
“17 March we are all Irish”. The inscription appears in the Guinness museum in Dublin. Every year on this day around the world held a parade to promote Irish culture and like the holy Patrick – Irlandii.Tegoroczna patron parade unfortunately will have to do without the read more…
We live in Ireland a few years, but only today learned of quite an unusual day, który przypada 8 December. Is celebrated as the day of conception of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Once it was a day off from school, Catholic schools are only exempt their read more…
Death of Education announced on Thursday, marching through the town Irish students. Szli ulicami centrum tworząc symboliczny kondukt pogrzebowy idący za trumną symbolizującą śmierć edukacji na poziomie akademickim. Marsz został zorganizowany przez Irlandzki Związek Studentów (USES), as part of a broader campaign, against as provided for in read more…
Two weeks ago, local radio station had the idea to help the unemployed find work. Title to shares “Million Euro of Work” or “Work worth one million”.The aim was to find employers, who have vacancies and are looking for new employees. The employer shall notify the, that read more…
Sure we all associate lion, which opens the movies studios Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and one of its predecessors, Goldwyn Pictures. Everyone knows the roar, who heard, gdy tylko pojawia się na ekranie to logo.Nie każdy jednak wie, że pierwszym żywym lwem w logo firmy MGM read more…
Bang Bang is the sound of the shot, which we used frequently as a child playing with a cowboy. Sometimes I wonder if sometimes it would be easier not to go through life being eternal child?In this way he lived Thomas Dudley called Bang Bang. In the years 50 read more…
Irish rap history dates back to the tip of the eighteenth century. Then it was born, Michael J. Moran. Widely known as Zozimus, był ulicznym artystą ‘freestylerem’, który zabawiał przechodniów swoimi rymowanymi historiami.Zozimus urodził się około 1794 roku w Faddle Alley w części Dublina read more…
Returning from work on Monday night stuck on the highway in a traffic jam caused by the downpour. I wondered how it is possible, that in a country, which falls by 2/3 years, rain can cause difficulties in communication. I did not know, that the amount of rain, which fell read more…
Each, When asked where he is permanently set at Ferris, replace London in the UK. But not everyone knows, that more than a year, and precisely from 31 Dublin also has a July this attraction. Situated on the shore read more…
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