It seems, that maybe we could save the drive and now need to lose it to the new to be able to run the server… Update the system went quite well for me, Members fortress, with a hopelessly… We'll see tomorrow.
Today an interesting matches on TV… Before the moment is out of Italy rugby match – Interestingly, France and the Italians won deservedly… From the moment Wales – Ireland… A 17 Manu – Arsenal in the Cup of England… An interesting day… Ireland lost the… So threads read more…
To jutro mialem miec duzo roboty… Nic sie nie zmienilo. Poza tym, ze bede musial naprawic dysk, ktory sie chyba zepsul (oby tylko kilka brakujacych plikow do bootowania). Bedzie ciezko bo to dysk do jednego z emailowych serwerow. Niestety bez read more…
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