I must admit, Irish anthem that is catchy and it is very interesting. You must also admit, gelatinized by that, that is sung in Irish causes problems while singing. Even when you look at singing or rugby players you think, most read more…
I must admit, Irish anthem that is catchy and it is very interesting. You must also admit, gelatinized by that, that is sung in Irish causes problems while singing. Even when you look at singing or rugby players you think, most read more…
History ended in the following manner: We found, so that they do not leave boyfriend. I thought about it, the driveway to the ATM and take money for it and will be back, but thought Bożenka, that you need to bring your boyfriend and go to the ATM read more…
Imagine a situation: We are in the suburbs of Dublin Bożenka. It's Sunday, just come out of the store with the Polish Articles, comes to us as a young Irlanczyk. At the eye of the wheel 25 years, it is clear, well that the day zaimprezował. Ma glass. He admits read more…
I remember the 8 March All segments in contact women red carnations (three or one, most often). I remember well how often they talked, Women's Day, despite the, baptized international festival that was considered a communist. Maybe that's why, it was so much exposed by read more…
In the middle of the year will be introduced for the first time property tax in Ireland. The amount of tax will depend on the value of the property, so it is worthwhile to know how much your home is worth. Today begins the action of sending letters to the property owners of the proposed read more…
42,195 km, of course, is the length of the marathon. Like any self-respecting capital city of Dublin also has its own marathon. Dublin Marathon takes place on a consecutive 1980 years. Always on the last Monday in October, which is a day off from work. In 1980 small read more…
Almost everyone, who goes to Ireland knows this song, and if not, it's probably after a few days stay here to hear it. In every pub, which flies out of the speakers or the music is played live always hear this song. Song read more…
Almost two weeks ago in Ireland broke 'meat scandal'. It turned out, that beef burgers, which were sold at Tesco are over 25% equine supplements containing DNA. Immediately all the burgers at Tesco, Dunnes has been withdrawn, and address the appropriate units read more…
We all know the deal with walruses… I am not concerned about the animals. The real walrus is not afraid to swim in the cold water during the ongoing winter. Such as last bath was recorded and uploaded on youtube at –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 86yJ-yfim2o. There would be read more…
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