Yesterday, a new web page about Dublin – http://dublintown.ie . This is not a typical tourist website, you do not find information on where is the nearest tourist information, but they will learn how and where to place “events”, learn read more…
Yesterday, a new web page about Dublin – http://dublintown.ie . This is not a typical tourist website, you do not find information on where is the nearest tourist information, but they will learn how and where to place “events”, learn read more…
According to current reports, more than half a million people in Ireland is – after paying all the major bills – “penniless” at the end of the month. Only a third of the population is able to save money each month. That is not so “pink” as it may read more…
The census was held in April last year. Still, not all data has been published, but much of it is no longer available. I mention these, które mogą zainteresować społeczność polską.Podczas spisu zarejestrowano:- 115 193 persons born in the Polish, and living in Ireland. read more…
The pessimistic scenario is repeated every year on Good Friday. More than half of Ireland's tourist attractions are closed. Usually every Friday evening Irish mass scrolls through the streets of the capital from one pub and the next. Today this is not the. Today the read more…
Od rana wszystkie rozgłośnie radiowe mówią dziś o sytuacji na rynku IT w Irlandii.Prawie 1000 people from outside the European Union has been employed in IT positions. Some of them with a salary 75 000 €. All because, że irlandzkie firmy nie były w stanie read more…
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