Barry O'Neill's wife, Councilor Fine Gael,pl – Donegal Daily

It seems, that the ruling party Fine Gael can not cope with racist sentiment among the members of his party. First, the mayor says Cavan, would not be representative of the dark-skinned inhabitants of the city, and now councilor of Fine Gael puts on his Facebook profile photo of his wife, as the lifted hand in the Nazi salute.

The photo was taken sub part honeymoon, for which the pair traveled together after the wedding, which took place 30 December last year. Immediately after the publication of the photo on your Facebook Barry O'Neill was condemned by his group, as well as by friends, which has on Facebook. One of them, with Jewish ancestors found, that: “Plans to file a complaint to the authorities of that party photos. Councillor O'Neill Do not know, że th confess symbolizuje morderstwo holokaustu?”

Councillor explained, it was just for fun and did not want to offend anyone. Well… Because his wife is on the wax figures can not be explained, that tried to order a beer…