http://www.dublincityrooms.com / http://www.oktoberfest-dublin.de
It turned out, yesterday that it was not only the events connected with the Day of Arthur and dark beer Giunness. Since yesterday, the light beer Erdinger reigns in the streets of Dublin (perhaps only in one place). Since yesterday we have Oktoberfest in Dublin. Let no one you do not mind, is such that the local fad. Fest is under the official patronage of the German Oktoberfest, even the website of the Dublin event is on German servers (http://www.oktoberfest-dublin.de/).
Following the quay in the port side you see the famous tents, men dressed in traditional Bavarian costumes and ladies, which can carry one hundred pints at a time so nobody was sitting at the table thirsty. Poweżchniowo our Oktoberfest is too large, suddenly takes a small square in the center of Dublin, but everything is here, what should be found on every good representation feście. In the queue, you can set through the shank, bratwurst, baked potatoes, sauerkraut, pretzels, burgundy typical ham, wędzony schab, Lard cake (fat cake, fried sprinkled with icing sugar), Spaetzle z Serem (similar to pasta). And when you buy a snack, Lunch is either a serious or something that you drink down. And there is also a great selection. Beer, beer, beer, beer and more beer.
Fest is perhaps a little, but in any case we have here the nucleus of the famous Munich Oktoberfest.
Will post pictures tomorrow when I pick at Oktoberfest.
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