Ireland at the World Championships came to a pretty good group for us. No one in Ireland, probably can not imagine a situation, which along with Australia, Ireland did not advance to the next game, to the knockout stages. Group C looks like this: Australia – Very read more…

It became. Tegoroczny sezon Premier League został zainaugurowany.Wczoraj odbył się pierwszy mecz sezonu o Tarczę Wspólnoty. The team faced against each other from one city, So derby to top. And that's what derby, Manchester City Manchester United counter-. Na boisku i read more…

One could be to fall into euphoria after yesterday's date. As many as three Polish teams will play in the fourth round of qualifications for the European cups. You can, of course, with a sneer smile and say,, that is just the qualifications. Truth, but long since there were so many read more…

Po ‘sukcesie’ Wisla Krakow which enjoyed rising to the fourth Champions League qualifying round I started to wonder whether this, I live in Ireland, which affects the fan of a football team? I, that the question is biased and that someone, Who is the real read more…

Gazeta Wyborcza Szczecin interested in recent days to buy public transport tickets from the bus driver or tram, rather, the bandwidth problems associated. This is interesting (and annoying at the same time), that passenger transport in Szczecin has disproportionately many responsibilities read more…

And again we have a long weekend… Time to relax, probably after the holidays though this is not so important, but still. Anyway, again, free. In Ireland, the official return for free is a 'public holiday', but usually people use read more…