
Are tracksuit outfit is the most convenient (with long sleeves and long trousers) to walk??


But why in Poland to look at you strangely if you want to go in tracksuit?
Czy tylko ‘dres’ may wear a tracksuit on the street?

In Ireland, we all walk in dresach. Whether you 15, 30 or 50 years. This is the most comfortable outfit, So why do you assume something else like go to the shop, with dog. Nobody looks at you like a leper.

How much time will pass before you even in Poland will not have to tune just to pick up your child from nursery?

Ta przypadlosc z dresami to musi byc gdzies w polskiej krwi poniewaz nawet tutaj w Irlandii Polacy nosza dresy tylko gdy uprawiaja sport lub gdy sa ‘dresami’. Strange…